US LoCo Teams

N Ali boredandblogging at
Mon Jul 23 15:13:14 BST 2007

A couple of suggestions:

1) Can the title of the page be changed to US Local Community (LoCo)
Teams instead of US LoCo Teams? Even though the first line explicitly
states what LoCo stands for, it might be make it easier for a new
person looking at the page.

2) Do we really need to differentiate between new and approved teams
on the front page? If we want to do that, maybe we should create a
page discussing what it means to be approved or provide a link to the


On 7/23/07, Joe Terranova <joeterranova at> wrote:
> I've put together a tentative version of the site:
> I'd still like to put together a clickable map on the front page, but
> it'll be a while before I try to tackle that. Later this week I'd like
> to put together an image for our sites: "Part of the US LoCo Teams
> Project. Not from this state? Find a LoCo Team near you!"
> A few of you already have accounts; if you have ideas for the site, or
> have content you'd like to put on the site, let me know!
> Cheers,
> Joe Terranova
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