Ubuntu 11.10 Oneiric Ocelot release party.

Dan Retzlaff glug101 at gmail.com
Wed May 4 01:52:28 UTC 2011

I have a mind to host a release/install party in the Cambridge area on
or near the timing of the Ocelot release.  It seems a bit early to
start planning this, but I figure there is a lot of excitement in the
community right now connected to the Natty release, and perhaps I can
get some insight from anybody that has recently hosted a release

I don't like using up other peoples resources if I don't have to.
Currently, I have a Ubuntu based Zentyal server ruling my network,
with working network pxe booting.  Sometime over the next 6 months, I
intend to set it up as a private repository mirror, so all the
installation media will me right near by, and won't even require boot
media to install from bare metal.

Looking for comments/suggestions, but also looking for anybody who is
an Ubuntu LoCo fan in the Cambridge area.


Dan Retzlaff
A+, ITIL Certified

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