Fwd: [Madlug] Reminder: IPv6 Talk Tomorrow (& Snow Info)

Anthony Hook anthony.hook3 at gmail.com
Fri Dec 10 19:12:38 GMT 2010

For anyone who is interested:

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Brad Stone <brad at bizwerks.com>
Date: Fri, Dec 10, 2010 at 12:59 PM
Subject: [Madlug] Reminder: IPv6 Talk Tomorrow (& Snow Info)
To: MadLUG <madlug at madisonlinux.org>

Our IPv6 talk is tomorrow. We hope to see you there.

Also, in the event that ITT closes tomorrow due to snow, I will send
out a cancellation email before 11:00 AM. You can also give them a
call directly at 608-288-6301 to see if the school is open.


On Mon, 2010-12-06 at 14:41 -0600, Brad Stone wrote:

Surviving the IPocalypse: IPv6, Linux, and You

Quick, grab your smartphone, e-reader, computer and family (in that
order), pack some supplies, and head for the hills! (except in Kansas,
which is too flat.) The Internet as we currently know it is coming to
an end!

We're running out of host addresses! In a matter of months, not
decades they will all be used up. Are you prepared for the single
biggest network event since broadband?

Say goodbye to your old friends like and hello to
2001:4860:b007::6a (google.com). The existing IP version 4 numbering
system with 32-bit addresses is nearly exhausted. In 2013, the last
one will be gone. History! But, there is hope of rescue. It's not the
cavalry, it's the Internet protocol version 6, with new-fangled
128-bit addresses, and it will impact every networked digital device,
router and service you use.

What does this all mean? How will your gear be affected? Find out!
Attend our free, informative presentation on this timely and important
topic by Jim Leinweber from the University of Wisconsin. He'll explain
IPv4 exhaustion, introduce the major features of IPv6, fearlessly
predict the transition from IPv4 to IPv6, and demonstrate how you can
do live IPv6 now - even if your ISP doesn't yet offer it.

When:     1:00 PM, Saturday December 11, 2010
Where:     ITT Technical Institute
                Room: Theory 3
                2450 Rimrock Road
                Madison, WI 53713-2914

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- Anthony Hook

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