UBUNTU: Meeting minutes - 1/3/09

Ahmed Osman ashex at chipnick.com
Mon Jan 4 06:02:39 GMT 2010

Hey Everyone!

The meeting went very well today. I wrote minutes to help summarize what
happened. You can read it

The big things to note are that we have decided to have the team run by a 3
person committee but we will have a team contact so that Ubuntu will
continue to have a single point of contact. This person is going to remain

And since we are going to have a committee, we need to have an election to
choose our committee members!
We chose to have this election begin next week. The first week will be a
nomination period where we will nominate people to run for it. If you feel
you would like to run, please nominate yourself :)
The second week will be when we will vote. Please check the minutes for
details on this if you were not at the meeting.

-Ahmed Osman
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