UBUNTU: Benjamin Mako Hill visiting Seattle

Paul Bartell paul.bartell at gmail.com
Mon Dec 14 22:22:33 GMT 2009

Im free for the holidays. What kind of meet up were we looking at?  Im
thinking something centrally located might be good/easy for people to
get to (U-district, Cap hill, downtown). Do people want to do a full
blown dinner or just coffee/tea/whatever?

What are some places you guys are thinking about?

Mako, what days might work best for you?

On Mon, Dec 14, 2009 at 2:07 PM, Linda Halligan
<linda.halligan at gmail.com> wrote:
> On Mon, 2009-12-14 at 07:40 -0800, C.J. Adams-Collier wrote:
>> Yeah, probably a good idea.  Thanks for the heads up, Michael.
>> Linda, You're the most vocal on the list recently, so you're in charge
>> of organizing the event!  I'll put some time in to it after I finish my
>> final if you're too busy ;)
> Unfortunately, I think I'm too booked up to do any event coordination in
> such a short time frame. I'm also likely too booked up to participate,
> which is mucho sad.
>> Looking forward to meeting you, Benjamin.  Do you have anything you want
>> to do while in our fine city?
>> On Sun, 2009-12-13 at 21:56 -0800, Michael Wayne Goodman wrote:
>> > Hi CJ,
>> >
>> > I just saw on Planet Ubuntu a post by Benjamin Mako Hill saying he'll
>> > be in Seattle (as part of a travel tour) December 18-28. He solicited
>> > invites for giving talks at LUGs or just for getting coffee. It might
>> > be a good idea to ask him to meet for GSLUG or the Washington Loco
>> > team or whatever. Interested?
>> >
>> > http://mako.cc/copyrighteous/20091213-00
>> >
> Is anyone else willing to coordinate the set up for a dinner(?), coffee
> get together(?), or other meetup while Benjamin Mako Hill is in Seattle?
> Wa LoCo folks please reply on list with any other ideas. (Michael are
> you on the list? ;D )
> -Linda
> --
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