UBUNTU: Linux Fest NorthWest

Paul Bartell paul-bartell at ubuntu.com
Sun Apr 13 21:39:37 BST 2008

Hello All,
As most of you know, we will be having a booth at Linux Fest Northwest
again this year, and it would be great to see some of you there.
Currently Dan Shufelt has confirmed he will be there, as has WIlliam
(though he will be at the GSLUG booth close by). Please reply if you
plan on going.

I received the ubuntu media pack a few days ago. In it i got 1 M
shirt, 2Ls and 1 XL. They are from the canonical store, and are brown
with the logo on them. I would like the M one as its pretty much my
size, though i have one from last year i will wear if needed. For some
reason we were sent 210 Gutsy cds, which i guess we can give out if we
run out of hardy cds.  We also received 2 hats (one of which is going
to the raffle), a bunch of stickers, some pens, and 50 or so brochures
(apparently we got the Approved Loco pack by accident, oh well. ) I
also have 100 powered by ubuntu stickers from System 76.

So reply if you plan on coming to linuxfest and/or volunteering at the
booth, if you volunteer, you could get some swag (depending on how
much time you put in compaired to others)
"He who controls the past controls the future. He who controls the
present controls the past." - 1984

Random quote of the week/month/whenever i get to updating it: "Don't
worry about people stealing an idea. If it's original, you will have
to ram it down their throats."
 - Howard Aiken

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