[ubuntu-us-ut] Grievances: Upstart, Launchpad, and Misuse of anacron
Charles Curley
charlescurley at charlescurley.com
Mon Sep 13 21:04:52 BST 2010
On Mon, 13 Sep 2010 13:11:05 -0600
Christer Edwards <christer.edwards at gmail.com> wrote:
> On Mon, Sep 13, 2010 at 12:48 PM, Charles Curley
> <charlescurley at charlescurley.com> wrote:
> > And launchpad is a slow opaque buggy mess. I've used a lot of issue
> > tracking tools, and launchpad is far and away the worst. Let's start
> > with a useless search that returns far to many false hits. I have
> > pretty much quit filing bugs partly because launchpad is so user
> > hostile.
> I moved my project(s) away from Launchpad and into github for this
> reason. Launchpad is slow, has always been difficult for me to
> navigate, and the forced use of bzr (srsly?! another revision control
> tool? can we say "not invented here" syndrome?) drove me away. It was
> technically bzr that drove me away (incompatibilities between versions
> to be exact).
Gadzooks! I was speaking as a user, not a developer. I wouldn't even
*try* hosting a project on Launchpad after my experience as a user.
> ...to tie this back into the other thread. It does sound a lot like a
> "not invented here" syndrome, and wanting others to adopt their tools
> vs writing compatible tools and pushing to have them shared elsewhere.
That may be so.
With Open Source software, there had better be a really good reason to
reinvent an existing and proven wheel. And "gosh, wouldn't it be neat
if this program did X" is almost never such a reason. So this is a
management issue.
Charles Curley /"\ ASCII Ribbon Campaign
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