[ubuntu-us-ut] Meerkat Ditching 'aptitude'

Sam Merrell merrell.sam at gmail.com
Mon Sep 13 05:10:15 BST 2010

On Sun, Sep 12, 2010 at 21:31, Aaron Toponce <aaron.toponce at gmail.com>wrote:

> On Sun, Sep 12, 2010 at 12:07:16PM -0700, MilesTogoe wrote:
> >    of course if they got rid of the mono lib crap they could fit aptitude
> and
> >    build-essential and vim on the main install but why give the open
> source
> >    community good open source tools when you can give them MS / Novell
> crap -
> >    a real pet peeve re Ubuntu
> Because mono isn't from Microsoft, and they've told us over and over
> again that they have no interest in suing end users or developers over
> the implementation. I know. That means nothing to conspiracy theorists.
> They'll keep slinging FUD like monkeys slinging dookie.
> Because of Mono, we have solid applications like gnome-do, banshee,
> beagle, f-spot, tomboy and many others. Solid applications that make a
> developers life easy and the end-users life enjoyable.
Agree with you 100%. I love gnome-do / docky and Tomboy. I'm less concerned
about Mono now after Oracle decided to sue Google and burn their credibility
with Open Source. MySQL, Open Office and Java are all more concerning issues
to me than Mono ever was.
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