[ubuntu-us-ut] Meeting Day/Time Update (?)

Christer Edwards christer.edwards at ubuntu.com
Thu Feb 18 20:04:10 GMT 2010


I've been casually looking for an alternate (or secondary) location
for our monthly meetings. We've been meeting at the MEB Building at
the University of Utah for roughly the last two years. I think it has
been a great location, and I'm happy that it has been so reliable. I
wanted to put out the idea of an alternate (or secondary?) location to
see if we might be able to accommodate more people. I have a lead on a
location in Draper that we may be able to use on Tue or Thur evenings.
What does the team think about that?

I see a couple of solutions here:

1) We move the meetings to Draper, and change the day to Tue or Thur.
2) We hold a secondary meeting in Draper, on the alternate day.
3) We stay where we are, at the same time.

I'd love to hear what the general opinion is, particularly from those
that would like to attend but haven't been able to due to the location
/ date / time. I'd like to accommodate as many users as I can, and if
that means two meetings per month, then that's what we'll do.

Thank you,

Christer Edwards
.: http://ubuntu-tutorials.com :.

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