[ubuntu-us-ut] Anyone Interested in Presenting at BYU?

Christer Edwards christer.edwards at ubuntu.com
Wed Feb 17 02:59:40 GMT 2010


I've been in contact with some of the LUG leaders around the state,
and the BYU UUG (Unix Users Group) has shown interest in someone from
our group presenting down there. I'm sure they have a high percentage
of Ubuntu users (as do most LUGs), and are interested in some
information from the larger Ubuntu community.

Even a simple presentation on the LoCo system, resources and
contributing to Ubuntu might be a great start.

Please let me know if you're interested and I'll help arrange things.

Also, we still need a presentation for March AND I'd like the team to
participate in the Global Bug Jam. This could be done in addition to
our regular meeting either in person or over IRC. Thoughts on a second
in-person meet for a bug jam?

Christer Edwards
.: http://ubuntu-tutorials.com :.

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