[ubuntu-us-ut] Meeting Reminder - Tonight!

Christer Edwards christer.edwards at ubuntu.com
Sat Feb 13 16:34:56 GMT 2010


This is your last-minute reminder regarding our meeting this evening.
Details below.

Who: Trevor "Heartsbane" Sharpe will be presenting
Topic: Linux Virtualization
Where: University of Utah, MEB #2555
When: 6:00pm - 8:00pm~ish

Remember, the team just received some new books from O'Reilly. If
you'd like to "check out" one of these books until the next meeting
your only chance is if you show up!

Titles include:
  * Linux System Administration
  * Ubuntu Kung-Fu
  * Linux in a nutshell
  * Linux Pocket Guide

We'll also have the team "Swag-Bag", including hundreds of pressed
Ubuntu CDs. If you need CDs for friends or family, come grab all you

See you there!

Christer Edwards
.: http://ubuntu-tutorials.com :.

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