[ubuntu-us-ut] Polling for information and fun

Mike Basinger mike.basinger at gmail.com
Thu May 14 16:40:13 BST 2009

> 1. What was the OS of your first home PC?

> 2. What was the processor, speed, and amount of RAM of your first home PC?
8088 10 MHz w/ 1MB ram and 5" 2 floppy drives

> 3. What was the first computer you ever sat in front of (think back to
> elementary school)?
TSR-80 (brand new when I went to high school)

> 4. What was the first Linux distribution and version you installed by yourself?
Slackware in 1994, only used it for 2 weeks and gave up when I could not
get X working and got only RTFM.

I first for serious with Linux with RedHat 5 in late 1997 or early 1998.

Mike Basinger
mike.basinger at gmail.com

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