[ubuntu-us-ut] December Meeting

Aaron Toponce aaron.toponce at gmail.com
Mon Nov 10 15:14:41 GMT 2008

Now that the release party went off without a hitch, or so I hear, the
next meeting is coming up for December, and is scheduled as planned:

Presenter: Aaron Toponce (eightyeight)
Topic: Beginning to advanced Irssi (http://irssi.org)
Date: December 13, 2008
Time: 6pm - 8pm
Location: MEB building at the University of Utah
Map: http://tinyurl.com/2k8px2

While many of you are probably already running Irssi, and wondering what
you could possibly gain from this meeting, I'll be covering some decent
topics to keep you interested- such as using XChat to connect to
irssi-proxy and securing your communication with irssi-otr. Bitlbee
might even be covered, including some generic ChanServ and NickServ

Also, in case you're curious, I have not yet received the Ubuntu 8.10
CDs from Canonical yet. When I get those, I will most definitely be
distributing them out.

 ,-O  Aaron Toponce
O   } Ubuntu Member
 `-O  http://www.ubuntu.com

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