[ubuntu-us-ut] Team Meeting This Saturday (Nov 17th!) : "Searching Tools : find vs locate vs beagle vs tracker"

Christer Edwards christer.edwards at ubuntu.com
Tue Nov 13 23:30:52 GMT 2007

Team - due to popular demand we're going to hold another meeting this
weekend and everyone is invited.  This weeks meeting topic will be on
effective searching tools, with topics covered such as find, locate,
beagle and tracker.  I think it'd be useful for everyone and, as
usual, the regular tech support and fun will be available.

Also, thanks goes to Omar for allowing us use of his location for the
meetings.  Map below:

Let's shoot for 6:00pm to start the presentation.  find vs locate
presented by Clint (herlo) and beagle vs tracker presented by Kevin

Hope to see everyone there.


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