Getting more Dapper CDs to hand out

Christer Edwards christer.edwards at
Tue Sep 26 23:01:04 BST 2006

I still have a large stack of Breezy CDs that I wasn't able to
completely hand out.  These are burned by myself & I put labels on them.
If you want I can try to get these to you.. I wont be at the next
meeting but we can figure something out.

On Tue, 2006-09-26 at 14:35 -0600, Tristan Rhodes wrote:
> I have been very successful at handing out Ubuntu CDs here at the WSU
> campus.  I usually just place 4 CDs on a table near the CS department,
> and they slowly disappear.  I don't think people are throwing them
> away, or they would take all of them at once.  I am not sure if new
> people are taking them, or if some people are handing them out to
> friends and family.  Either way, Ubuntu is getting shared with more
> and more people.
> Is there anyway I can get perhaps 25 more CDs?  I already handed out
> my Dapper shipment of 10-15 CDs, and my second Breezy shipment of 25
> CDs.
> BTW, I am also an active bit-torrent seeder for all Ubuntu variations.
>  I have shared around 400 CDs of each type of Ubuntu 6.06.1 LTS.  (I
> am not currently doing Kubuntu, Edubuntu, or Xubuntu, but I think I
> will start.)
> Thanks,
> Tristan
Christer Edwards
President, Ubuntu-Utah
christer.edwards at
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