October Meeting

Christer Edwards christer.edwards at gmail.com
Sat Oct 14 19:07:48 BST 2006

For anyone that isn't aware today's meeting has been postponed.  I've
tried to reach everyone the best I can but if I have missed anyone
hopefully this'll get to everyone.

Today's meeting has been postponed until the 28th.

The 28th should turn out to be quite larger.  We're trying to put
together a release party for 6.10 (Edgy Eft) and an install fest.  I
think, with the amount that we've grown, we should try to have separate
locations for greatest impact.

Ogden Crew: do you think you can find a location for this date?  I know
you've just had an install fest.  Is another too much?

Salt Lake Crew: do you think you can find a location?  Thoughts?

Utah County: I've been trying to setup the use of BYU.  Pending approval
& details.  Any other thoughts on this?

Let's try to get this thread moving & see what we can put together.
Also, for those not aware, many of us are regularly in #ubuntu-utah on
irc.freenode.net.  We'll see what we can come up with in there as well.

Thank You

Christer Edwards
President, Ubuntu-Utah
christer.edwards at ubuntu.comd
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