Breezy CD Distribution

Christer Edwards christer.edwards at
Mon Oct 2 16:02:27 BST 2006


You're probably right.  I've always been reluctant to distribute
anything but our latest and greatest, but this set of CDs sure feels
like a waste to throw out.  Perhaps distribute with instructions on
upgrading?  Just a thought.

By the way, word from Canonical is that they will not be distributing
Edgy CDs, but continue to send 6.06.1 CDs via shipit.  Edgy, as it isn't
an LTS release & due to the huge demand for CDs, will be by dist-upgrade
or .iso only.

On Mon, 2006-10-02 at 06:08 -0600, Tristan Rhodes wrote:
> Christer,
> You may be out of luck, now that Edgy is soon to be released.  I don't
> think we should be handing out Ubuntu versions that are 2 versions
> out-dated (unless it is an LTS point release, like 6.06.1 or 6.06.2,
> etc)
> Tristan
> On 9/30/06, Christer Edwards <christer.edwards at> wrote:
> > Does anyone think they can get rid of a pile of Breezy 5.10 CDs?  I was
> > just cleaning out my office I found that I have much more than I
> > thought.
> >
> > If anyone has a place to get rid of these let me know & I'll see about
> > getting them to you.
> >
> > Thanks
> >
> > --
> > Christer Edwards
> > President, Ubuntu-Utah
> > christer.edwards at
> >
> >
Christer Edwards
President, Ubuntu-Utah
christer.edwards at
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