Teem Meet Reminder

Aaron Toponce aaron.toponce at gmail.com
Sun May 14 15:57:25 BST 2006

We were there, and kind of hard to miss with our laptops everywhere.  We
were also right next to the entrance too.  Sorry we missed you.

Unfortunately, Christer and Kat had a family emergency, and were unable to
attend, but we had Joey, myself. Tristan and his wife attend.  So. there
were only 4 of us, but we had a good time.

I have notes from the meeting that I will be sending to the group.

Hope to see you next time.

On 5/13/06, Michael Moore <stuporglue at gmail.com> wrote:
> > > Quick reminder of our Meet this saturday.  6:00pm - ?? at The Pie in
> SLC.
> So, uh, I went. Did I somehow miss everyone? I didn't see Christer or
> Kat, or hear anyone talking about Ubuntu. It was the Pie below the
> pharmacy, right? Luckily my wife came, and we had a nice time
> anyways...but sorry I missed anyone who was there.
> --
> Michael Moore
> -------------------------------
> www.stuporglue.org -- Donate your used computer to a student that needs
> it.
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Aaron Toponce
OALUG President
Ubuntu Doc Maintainer
Ubuntu-Utah Team Member
Registered Linux User 377079
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