
Matt Wolfgang mattwolfgang at
Mon Jun 29 15:54:49 UTC 2015

I'm Matt Wolfgang.  I've been using Linux servers since the late 90's (Red
Hat) and began using Ubuntu on the desktop with Hardy Heron.  I'm a system
admin managing VDI, desktops and telecom for a law firm in downtown Dallas
that's primarily a Windows shop. I run a mixed environment at home with an
Ubuntu server, laptop and HTPC along with a Macbook Pro, Windows Laptop and
a Chromebook.

On Mon, Jun 29, 2015 at 12:10 AM Shannon Wright <swright300 at>

> Hi everyone,
> I've been running ubuntu and various distros off an on since 2008.  I
> mainly run ubuntu on my laptops at home. I live in Keller and work in
> Westlake. I'm currently a systems engineer for a financial services
> company. We mainly run Windows and RHEL for our servers.
> I'm glad to see some activity on here now. I hope it keeps going.
> Shannon
> On Jun 27, 2015 6:47 AM, <tim at> wrote:
>> Hello Everyone,
>> I'm hoping to start a chain reaction here...would like to know who is
>> around.
>> I've actually been on the team for some time but have never said
>> anything. I just wanted to introduce myself. I live in Dallas and work in
>> Richardson, Tx for a small IT shop. I've been using Linux on and off since
>> 99' starting with Slackware. I basically stick to Ubuntu or Ubuntu-Mate
>> these days. I'm trying to get by with Ubuntu-Touch on my Nexus 7 since
>> there is no phone here in the states yet, though about trying Nexus5. I'm
>> hoping for some bustling activity here in Texas, especially in the North ;)
>> You can find me on IRC as "Parzzix",twitter as @parzzix, and Telegram as
>> @parzzix.
>> Kindest Regards,
>> Tim Apple
>> aka "Parzzix"
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