Possible State Meeting Solutions

Lee Sharp leesharp at hal-pc.org
Wed Dec 16 00:27:59 GMT 2009

matthew byers wrote:
> I think we need to consider that too many aspects of meeting options can 
> become an issue...why not irc, then why not wave, then why not dimdim, 
> then why not email meetings...see where im heading with this! If its not 
> broken why mess with it??

I vote for a bunch of web conferenced linked comic book stores. :)

On the more serious side... I get the most out of real meeting, in 
person, with real people.  (Before someone suggests a Ubuntu-TX room in 
second life)

But, being so geographically distant, a pair of meetings, (that can move 
monthly) that are linked by a web conference can give a best of both 
worlds.  A 1 to 1 would be easy, and with a little work, some others 
could listen in remotely.  Also, podcasts would be a snap.


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