[UbuntuDallas] dallas team website
Jonathan [JJNova]
jjnova at gamecootie.com
Fri Oct 1 03:46:47 BST 2010
I just want to clarify that this is in regards to the Ubuntu Dallas Wiki which is
already operational, but needs maintainers.
On Thu, 30 Sep 2010 19:57:24 -0500
Juan Collao <collao at sbcglobal.net> wrote:
> I'm a web designer and I would be willing to help with the web site as
> well.
> Regards,
> Juan
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Linden <linden.940 at gmail.com>
> To: Ubuntu-dallas <ubuntu-us-tx-dallas at lists.ubuntu.com>
> Subject: [UbuntuDallas] dallas team website
> Date: Thu, 30 Sep 2010 15:39:02 -0500
> In IRC chat today me (Linden940) and felixc talked and he told me he
> would like to work with keeping our website up to date.
> I think that is something that is great and if anyone else would like to
> pitch in and help felixc work and keep it updated should get a hold of
> him when you could and see what you could do to help.
> here is the log from that IRC chat
> <felixc_> Linden: I'm more interested in the local Dallas group for now,
> but that may change
> <Linden940> felixc_, well one thing that needs to be worked on is our
> website
> <Linden940> its out dated and needs be updated and STAY updated
> <Linden940> as of right now we dont have anyone who is doing that and if
> you would like to take that on as a project that would be great
> <Linden940> (do the same thing I did and get a core team to be apart of
> it to help you out so that you are not doing all the work (so you wont
> get burned out on it)
> <mrand> Release party can be as simple as meeting at a restaurant or fun
> place. If more than two people are available to get together, it can be
> called a release party. I'm out of town the 9th and 10th, but that
> shouldn't stop anyone else!
> <mrand> And it builds more momentum within the group.
> <felixc_> Sure, that sounds great. Thanks!
> <Linden940> I am busy on the 10th...if i was not I would of loved to do
> something
> <felixc_> that was at you Linden
> <Linden940> was just about to ask that
> <Linden940> and thats great...that is a huge task
> <Linden940> and i have taken on one huge task...so someone else needed
> to take that on them selfs
> <Linden940> once you get a "team" that want to help you do it
> <Linden940> let me know i would like to be apart of it as well as much
> as i can
> <felixc_> you were talking about the Dallas site, right?
> <Linden940> right
> <felixc_> cool
> <Linden940> the dallas site is outdated and has been outdated
> <Linden940> so...we need someone to take care of that and keep it
> updated
> <felixc_> Ok, excellent. I can do that.
> <Linden940> great..as said once you get a team (if you even do that) let
> me know as i would like to be apart of it
Jonathan [JJNova] <jjnova at gamecootie.com>
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