There is currently no Black HIlls Linux group.

Ubuntu South Dakota LoCo Team ubuntu-us-sd at
Mon Mar 14 22:06:25 UTC 2011


We attempted to start the SD LoCo in conjunction with  
but it was simply not given the resources needed to be successful  
(unfortunately, the same could be said for our mildly successful  
bhlug).  However,  there are Linux users in Rapid City, and myself  
along with a couple others, would like to continue with a LUG in our  

I would be happy to speak with you about this.  Contact me at:  
rodd at and maybe we can meet in person.

Rodd Ahrenstorff

Quoting "Ubuntu South Dakota LoCo Team" <ubuntu-us-sd at>:

> The site has been down for over a year and I've never been able to get
> anyone here to successfully put me in touch with any SD Linux group
> other than the college or Sioux Falls. I live in Rapid City and am
> interested in trying to start another local group. I saw that the link
> to the old Black HIlls group was linked with the official LoCo for SD
> and thought you should know that should be removed.
> Also if anyone locally in the Black Hills area is interested in helping
> attempt to get a more active local group started, I'd love to hear from
> you.
> Nan
> --
> This message was sent from Launchpad by
> Nan Clegg (
> using the "Contact this team" link on the Ubuntu South Dakota LoCo Team team
> page (
> For more information see
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