Meeting 002

Ubuntu South Dakota LoCo Team ubuntu-us-sd at
Sat Dec 20 13:44:37 GMT 2008

First I also wanted to say that sorry I wasn't there for the meeting.  I
have been very ill for the last couple days, and only now am I catching back
up with my Online Life.

RE: Mirror hosting:

We are a very small ISP and at this point we do not have the dedicated
storage space for a mirror.  Bandwidth was not an issue, just the fact that
we literally have nowhere to put it.  If your university is up for it, that
would probably be the best bet.


On Fri, Dec 19, 2008 at 5:56 PM, Ubuntu South Dakota LoCo Team <
ubuntu-us-sd at> wrote:

> Hash: SHA1
> I'm sorry, I was unable to make it to the meeting. As previously stated,
> I had a few issues going on that prevented me from attending. I would
> like to attempt to perform this meeting using email to make up for this
> incident.
> In order to do this, I will simply state my views on every point I
> wanted to cover. If you object to any of the points of views, please
> speak up. I don't want this meeting to be one sided. Just do a reply to
> the email and place your comments right below the paragraph you are
> responding to.
> This has the potential to get confusing, so please make sure the reply
> you are using places some sort of | or > in the responded quote. I don't
> think there any many mail clients that don't make use of this by default.
> Also, in order to keep these emails from becoming MASSIVE, you can drop
> the blocks of text that aren't related to what you're replying to at all.
> I won't get back to you immediately since I will have a VERY busy couple
> weeks, but this isn't just about me getting back to you guys. Everybody
> needs to communicate.
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Meeting Starts Now ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> Advertising:
> * New Logo
> I would like to know what everyones opinion is about the new logo. I
> will admit it's almost identical to the former.
> The question comes to:
> Do you like the rounded or squared corners?
> Do you prefer a brown or black background?
> * Flyer
> kyldere was supposed to create a flyer for us. I am curious if this was
> completed or not. If it has, please post this and a link so we can vote
> between the two of ours and possible merge them.
> I've created a flyer for us to distribute however I don't feel the
> website is really ready for visitors anymore. It is located at
> Please do not distribute this yet. Remember, the link on it, is not the
> actual site address. I'd like some opinions on it.
> Wiki:
> * Events Tense / Summary
> Doug J. could you please edit the past events pages to reflect that they
> have already taken place as well as some information (perhaps pictures)
> about how the event went?
> * New Layout
> I'd like some opinions about the way I've setup the Wiki as well as our
> site.
> * - 3-Click rule
> I have firm belief in the 3 click rule. If you feel this is appropriate,
> I invite you to check through the website and Wiki to ensure this
> standard is met.
> * - Using Includes
> If you are going to work with our Wiki, you should learn how to use
> Includes pages since most of the Wiki is built on this.
> * - How to add events
> I've created templates to create events and meetings. You can view these
> instructions at
> In order to follow these steps, it is required that you be logged in.
> Please don't abuse this process.
> * - Use template
> I've created templates for what content should appear in these pages as
> well. The template is listed below each category.
> * - Events built on categories
> I have categories on the bottom of each page. This is what dictates
> whether or not the event is flagged as upcoming or past. Please make use
> of these tags if you will be working with events or meetings.
> * Treasury / Warehouse
> I would like to have one person in charge of holding the merchandise we
> will be selling and a separate person in charge of the money. I feel
> this will help us keep honesty around when it comes time to start
> selling things.
> * - Case Badges ; Discuss cost
> I intend on selling our case badges at $0.25 each plus $0.50 for every
> 15 in shipping. This is the exact price they are sold for in neighboring
> states. There's also states where they don't offer a by-hand sale. For
> our purposes, I believe we should stick with this rule as well. This
> will help with tracking significantly.
> Website
> * New Layout
> I've been working hard on a new theme for our website. I had it pretty
> much working in 5.x. I think it's working well in 6.x now as well.
> * New Modules
> We also have a community (swe3tdave and MTecknology) port of a beautiful
> module. Three of them actually.
> As soon as a user exists in one of our three launchpad groups, they have
> access to our website.
> ubuntu-southdakota members will have access to create news items. I have
> not completed the view for this. However, you guys should have access to
> this already.
> ubuntu-southdakota-editors members will have access to modify nearly all
> content on the site.
> ubuntu-southdakota-admins members will have access to do just about
> everything. Once I've finished configuring things, I will remove my own
> built in account. I'm already using only my LP account to access this.
> What's absolutely great about this... You DON'T need to setup tha
> account at all. The second you're accepted into the team, you will have
> whatever access that grants. You will also have your user account and
> email address sync'd to the website as well.
> * Signup
> I've added the ability to sign up for notification of events. Because of
> my work, I've been unable to keep the notifications running. Once I am
> done, this functionality will resume.
> * Shopping Cart
> I will be including the functionality to purchase our merchandise using
> the website. I will use PayPal as the payment portal unless someone
> knows of a better idea.
> Goals
> * Team Support
> I believe I've made it perfectly clear that I want the team to be able
> to function without me. With the fail of this meeting over IRC, I
> believe we've seen the first instance of proof as to why this is an issue.
> Point 1: I will be making much better descriptions in the wiki about
> what needs to be discussed at the meeting.
> Point 2: I would like somebody to step up to be a Meeting Driver. This
> person will be in charge of driving meetings if I am absent.
> If these two points were met already, this meeting would have occurred
> already instead of being pushed to email.
> * - Mirror Hosting by DLeVasseur
> DLeVasseur had mentioned that he may be able to have his company host a
> release mirror for us. My university is opening up to the idea, however
> they will not want to release it for public usage. I'm wondering what
> the status is on this.
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Your Turn to Speak Up ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> - --
> Michael Lustfield
> Profarius, SD LoCo
> Network and Systems Administrator
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> --
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