UBUNTU: Burien Ubuntu Hour

Valorie Zimmerman valorie.zimmerman at gmail.com
Sat May 8 02:08:21 BST 2010

On Fri, May 7, 2010 at 4:53 PM, Linda Halligan <linda.halligan at gmail.com> wrote:
> cfh wrote:
>> Greetings Ubunteros:
>> My local coffee shop has agreed to host ubuntu hours.  I'll be at the
>> Burien Press Coffee Shop across the street from City Hall/Library on
>> Thursdays 4:30ish.  The Burien Farmer's Market is also held that day
>> across the street.
> Awesome!
>> Are there any official ubuntu-wa logos, materials, distro discs
>> available?
> We don't have an official loco logo yet. We've got a few mock ups that
> Mark Terranova did for us up here:
> https://wiki.ubuntu.com/WashingtonTeam/Brainstorm
> We are pretty much out of official material from just having done
> LinuxFest Northwest. What little was left is up in Bellingham in the
> care of one of the Loco members there. We do need to order more material
> for our UW HUB Lucid table that may be happening this month (/me pokes
> CJ) we can split out some of that and get it to you for the Ubuntu Hour.
>> Anyone else willing/available to come by?  I'm hoping to
>> start next week. Thanks.
> I would love to come but I work during those hours and I am on the North
> end on Thursdays. Hopefully other people will be able to join you. I can
> get a simple flier made up this weekend if you want to print some to
> distribute locally or post a few at the coffee shop.
> As an aside, I think it would be awesome to have Ubuntu hours all over
> the state. Maybe we can prep some templates for fliers and a standard
> method for getting CDs and schwag distributed to people who want to host
> an Ubuntu hour locally.
> -Linda

I'd like to pile on Linda's remarks, both for how cool this is, and
how we should move ahead with materials and more K/ubuntu hours. I
would like to schedule some in Seattle before or after some other
meetings, such as GSLUG, LinuxChix, or other open source meetings.
It's an hour for me to drive into Seattle for meetings, so I'd love to
double-schedule some things.

Best wishes to you, cfh. I hope everything goes well! I would love it
if you would report back to the list occasionally about your Hours.

All the best,

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