[Reminder] Software Freedom Day @ Sat Sep 15, 2007 ()

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Fri Sep 14 01:00:54 BST 2007

ubuntu-us-pnw at lists.ubuntu.com, this is a reminder for

Title: Software Freedom Day
Time: Sat Sep 15, 2007 (Pacific Time)
Where: details pending
Description: Software Freedom Day

You can view this event at http://www.google.com/calendar/event?action=VIEW&eid=c3A1MmxudjNndHM5OHUxbzVzbW1yM2FqbWsgdWJ1bnR1LXVzLXBud0BsaXN0cy51YnVudHUuY29t&tok=NTIjZGFxdjI4cW0zdWYwZzIzbWxhOW9sczlxdXNAZ3JvdXAuY2FsZW5kYXIuZ29vZ2xlLmNvbTY0MTllOTk2OWNlZDM5YzhhYmVmMmZhMWIwNDZkZjcxZGExMmI4YTk&ctz=America%2FLos_Angeles&hl=en

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