[Ubuntu PA] Disk Imaging Solutions

Brian Stempin brian.stempin at gmail.com
Wed Jan 23 01:52:13 GMT 2008

It might be easier to do something like this:

/dev/hda1 = DSL stuff
/dev/hda2 = Swap
/dev/hda3 = User space

Let's say that you had a 10GB hard drive and that all 3 partitions only came
out to around 2GB.  You could do a direct copy, MBR and all.  Because the
User space partition (p# 3) is at the very end, you can simply expand it
(presumably through scripting) to make sure that it fills the rest of the
hard drive space.

I've never had to do this before, so I'm not sure if I'm making sense.
Sanity check, please.

On Jan 22, 2008 11:01 AM, Kevin Valentine <kevin.valentine at gmail.com> wrote:

> I'm about to setup a small imaging server for pushing "golden" DSL
> images onto our NTR laptops' harddrives.  I plan to image-to-drive and then networked imaging.  There's one potential issue that I never really got resolved in all my past imaging experiences.  The
> majority of
> Windows imaging seems fairly straight forward: they usually only have one partition.  On our linux laptops, we'll have 3 partitions: swap
> (hda1), dsl image (hda2), and user space (hda3).
> Since I don't plan to do Raw Mode imaging, we will only have images of the
> actual bytes used.  To me this means there is an extra step(s) in here for
> Linux imaging: creating the partitions and getting grub into the MBR.  I was
> thinking I could just copy the MBR from the golden drive and then write it
> to the target drives as described here:
> http://www.partimage.org/Partimage-manual_Backup-partition-table
> But does that work with drives of different geometries?  I'm doubting it
> does so I'm looking into automating the file system partitioning/formatting
> with script.  I believe this must be done before copying the images.
>  Perhaps partimage already has some tools for this.  I did notice an option
> to restore the MBR in their curses menu.
> Am I way off on this?  Got any advice?
> -kevin
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