[Ubuntu PA] Community Council Meeting date set JUNE 26 - 9:00 AM

Bret Fledderjohn freelancer317 at gmail.com
Mon Jun 25 22:32:46 BST 2007

It turns out that I should be able to attend the meeting (at least a good part of it), but in case things change it may be a good idea to have redundancies as jedijf has mentioned "just in case."

Later this evening, I'll send out to the mailing list what I have written for the meeting. If I'm not there it will be available to use at each person's discretion. If you feel that I miss anything let me know.
It's been a long day.  I was down at the National Aquarium in Baltimore, and for the past two hours I have had the worst headache... At least the kids had a good time!

-----Original Message-----
    From: "Elizabeth Bevilacqua"<lyz at ubuntu.com>
    Sent: 6/25/07 11:01:20 AM
    To: "Ubuntu has got a friend in Pennsylvania"<ubuntu-us-pa at lists.ubuntu.com>
    Subject: Re: [Ubuntu PA] Community Council Meeting date set JUNE 26 - 9:00 AM
    On Fri, Jun 22, 2007 at 09:44:32AM -0400, Bret Fledderjohn wrote:
    > I'm putting it on, however I probably will not be able to attend.  Who
    > can make it?  Hopefully a lot  of us!
    Bret - since you can't make it, another one of us is going to have to be
    there saying the introductory blurb and stating that they are there as a
    representative of the team. I wouldn't mind doing this - but would you
    like to write the blurb? Anyone else have thoughts? As a refernece this
    is what the Swiss team said at the last meeting:
    17:38 < stgraber> Good evening, I'm Stéphane Graber and I'm here to represent the Ubuntu Swiss Team (Switzerland).
    17:39 < stgraber> The Ubuntu Swiss Team was created more than a year ago and now is mainly about organizing events like the OpenExpo (having stands at computer shows and exhibitions), organizing release parties and other coming-togethers.]
    17:39 < stgraber> We also provide support with our mailing-list, IRC channel and our extensive list of local contact persons spread all over Switzerland.
    17:39 < stgraber> As we have 4 official languages here in Switzerland, we've chosen English as our exchange language and then people are mainly using language-specific forums for online-support and our contact list for local-support.
    17:39 < stgraber> Our wikipage is : https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SwissTeam
    17:39 < stgraber> and our Application : https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SwissTeam/ApprovalApplication
    Elizabeth Bevilacqua // lyz at ubuntu.com
    Ubuntu Women Project: www.ubuntu-women.org    

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