Ubuntu LoCo Data Loss

Benjamin Kerensa bkerensa at ubuntu-oregon.org
Tue Aug 16 17:44:51 UTC 2011

Hi Guys,

I just became aware that our even listing on loco.ubuntu.com for our 
Global Jam stuff magically poofed well perhaps not magically... 
Apparently Canonical lost data when migrating loco.ubuntu.com to another 
server in anycase I have recreated the event 
http://loco.ubuntu.com/events/ubuntu-us-or/1157/detail/ and I'm crossing 
my fingers that they don't do anything weird to cause data loss again :P

For those of you who RSVP'ed I encourage you to re-RSVP but remember it 
is not a requirement for you to RSVP it justs help me have a headcount 
that way I can let the people at PuppetLabs know and also coordinate 
food sponsorship.

Benjamin Kerensa
Team Lead
Ubuntu Oregon
Phone: (503) 564-8608
Facebook <http://www.facebook.com/bkerensa>Twitter 
<http://www.linkedin.com/in/bkerensa>The Shared Web 
<http://www.thesharedweb.com/bkerensa> <http://tungle.me/bkerensa>
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