Fwd: [PLUG] Colocation Servers in PDX

Isaac Lewis ikelewis678 at gmail.com
Sat May 29 18:00:24 BST 2010

Hi there.

I just wanted to forward this conversation that I am having with PLUG on to
you all. Do you have any thoughts about a colocation datacenter in PDX?

Forwarded conversation
Subject: Colocation Servers in PDX

From: *Isaac Lewis* <ikelewis678 at gmail.com>
Date: Thu, May 27, 2010 at 6:19 PM
To: plug at lists.pdxlinux.org

Hi there.
This is my first post to the mailing list, but I have a fairly simple

Is there a community colocation datacenter in Portland OR? I am looking for
somewhere to put a server, and I would like to do it in a community-based
datacenter like sfccp.net or seaccp.org. Is there something like this in



From: *Mike Connors* <mconnors1 at gmail.com>
Date: Thu, May 27, 2010 at 8:56 PM
To: "General Linux/UNIX discussion and help; civil and on-topic" <
plug at lists.pdxlinux.org>
Cc: ikelewis678 at gmail.com

Hi Ike - Not that I know of. I asked the same thing last fall and also
asked if people would be interested in starting one. I'm still
interested in such an endeavor...


From: *Isaac Lewis* <ikelewis678 at gmail.com>
Date: Thu, May 27, 2010 at 9:52 PM
To: Mike Connors <mconnors1 at gmail.com>

Interesting... I wonder what something like this would take to do?

From: *David Mandel* <dmandel at pdxlinux.org>
Date: Fri, May 28, 2010 at 8:53 PM
To: "General Linux/UNIX discussion and help, civil and on-topic" <
plug at lists.pdxlinux.org>

I use to use seaccp.org in Seattle and liked them a lot; but Seattle
is a long ways from Corvallis when trouble happens.

I'm not aware of any equivalent in the Portland area.  One reason for
that is that we have osuosl.org.     At Linux Fund, we finally moved
to osuosl.   They are great, but their mission is much more restricted
that seacpp's, so many people and groups who can use seacpp can not
qualify to use osuosl.  Also, seacpp gives users more freedom than
osuosl generally does.

There are a number of small, friendly, high quality for-profit hosting
services in Portland.  The one that comes to my mind is forked.net.  I
used them for several years and really like them.

Seacpp has had financial difficulties at times even though it is
located in Seattle.  Given that Seattle is larger than Portland and
that Portland is already served by the likes of osuosl and forked.net;
I doubt that a Seacpp could succeed in Portland - BUT I could well be
wrong on this.

 David Mandel
 Executive Director
 560 SE Alexander
 Corvallis, Oregon 97333
 (971) 223-5169 land
 (541) 730-5285 cell
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From: *drew wymore* <drew.wymore at gmail.com>
Date: Fri, May 28, 2010 at 10:01 PM
To: "General Linux/UNIX discussion and help, civil and on-topic" <
plug at lists.pdxlinux.org>

Perhaps if we could get a group of us together and then go about
contacting local DC providers and see what kind of pricing on a per
cabinet basis we could get? I am fortunate that an Infinity Internet
customer who has 2 cabinets loans me 1U of space, I believe he's
paying about 500 per cab per month which isn't too bad as it includes
1 20 amp circuit and a large amount of bandwidth. If we got enough
people who were interested, willing and were in it for a reasonable
period of time perhaps we could all rent a cab and share.


From: *Isaac Lewis* <ikelewis678 at gmail.com>
Date: Fri, May 28, 2010 at 10:38 PM
To: "General Linux/UNIX discussion and help, civil and on-topic" <
plug at lists.pdxlinux.org>

That would be a possibility. I wonder if we could hook up with Free Geek to
see if there was any interest from their group.

- Isaac

From: *Larry Brigman* <larry.brigman at gmail.com>
Date: Fri, May 28, 2010 at 11:26 PM
To: "General Linux/UNIX discussion and help, civil and on-topic" <
plug at lists.pdxlinux.org>

Not co-location service but virtual machine from a local group is
www.rdrop.com  I used agora for the longest time and helped Alan
out a couple of times getting him hardware at cost.
It is still going.  It's possible that he is open to co-location or
would have other ideas
about co-location.
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