[Ubuntu-us-ok] Builder script for a ubiquity environment

Israel israeldahl at gmail.com
Thu Sep 4 13:14:59 UTC 2014

Hey, I just remembered I have a copy of the Ubuntu Gnome remix builder
script one of the other Tori OS members made to build ToriOS
You can modify this Patrick to suit your needs.
the chroot script is the one that will handle the packages you install.
I do mine a little different I make a Bash array of the apps..
BASEAPPS=(chntpw consolekit dialog discover dosfstools evince
ghostscript gparted gsfonts hfsprogs htop laptop-detect less libpng12-0
libjpeg62 librsvg2-2 libfltk1.3 libfltk-images1.3 linux-generic
live-boot man menu menu-xdg midori mrxvt nano net-tools ntfs-3g
openssh-client partclone parted pciutils pv python-software-properties
rox-filer rsync rtorrent software-properties-common sudo syslinux
tcpdump upower usbutils volumeicon-alsa wget wicd wicd-gtk
wireless-tools wpagui xdg-utils xfce4-power-manager xinit
xserver-xorg-core xserver-xorg x11-xserver-utils xterm)

apt-get install --no-install-recommends --yes ${BASEAPPS[@]}

Also I install python-software-properties & software-properties-common
so I can add in ppas to my chroot and install from them.

I haven't looked much at this script, but it builds a live CD with
ubiquity, so this may be more of what you are looking for.

you might
sudo add-apt-repository -y ppa:mkusb/ppa

As mkusb is a very quick tool for making bootable  USBs.  It uses dd so
there is no persistence, but it is much faster (and less error prone)
than the startup disk creator or unetbootin.
And it works :)


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