[Ubuntu-us-ok] Oklahoma LoCo Google Apps [UPDATE]

Duane Hinnen duanedesign at gmail.com
Wed May 13 07:18:19 BST 2009

I updated the permissions on the Ubuntu Oklahoma LoCo Google Apps account.
All users should have access to all 16 documents as of May 13 2009. I
encourage you to add to our library. Anything Ubuntu/Linux related that you
think the group will enjoy. Also you can use the Doc App to upload anything
you might be working on and want to share/collaborate with the group.
(if you do not have access to all the documents let me know.)

*Here is some of the NEW content I added today.*
*Some Linux/Ubuntu Books*

*Quickly becoming one of my favorite Linux/Ubuntu Magazines.
Full Circle has tutorials, news, interviews, community happenings, ect...*

*INSECURE has articles covering a wide range of topics: the future of
computer security, best practices for advanced data protection, password
management, extended validation, and much more.*

If you do not have an account yet Email me the following:
First Name
Last Name
User Name
I will then send you a temporary password. Do not lose this, I do not keep
record of these.

You can access the site here
(I would bookmark this link. It is not especially easy to find the Log In
page for Google Apps)
*Duane Hinnen*
*Oklahoma LoCo Member
Ubuntu Forums Beginners Team*
duanedesign at gmail.com
sip:duanedesign at ekiga.net <sip%3Aduanedesign at ekiga.net>

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