[Ubuntu-us-ok] Newsletter and stuff

David Duckslammer davidduckslammer at gmail.com
Sun May 10 21:08:33 BST 2009

Howdy y'all, I just got ubuntu up and joined the list.  I'm very interested
in this meetup and would be willing to give a short talk.  At the moment I'm
figuring out how security works for ubuntu so that's what I'll talk about.
It'll be tough to cover anything of substance in only half an hour and
wouldn't leave time for Q&A, but I'll do what I can.  The least I can do is
make lists of resources so someone new to ubuntu like myself can avoid the
head scratching.

I have a prior committment for May 30th (at the Asian Festival in Myriad
Gardens - you might want to check it out if you can break free) and don't
yet know when during the day I can wiggle out of it.

in OKC

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