[Ubuntu-us-ok] Stepping Back

Trey Brown palintheus at gmail.com
Fri Nov 16 21:19:07 GMT 2007

Ubuntu OK -

I have been really trying to spark interest in getting this team off the
ground and it has taken a lot of my time both on the evenings and weekends
getting the Wiki setup, talking to various members about getting the
website, calendar, and events setup. We have even had a very nice and
entertaining face-to-face meet in the metro, and an IRC meeting with lots of
the current members present. We always seem to get plans going and then
communication seems to drop off when the actual plans need to be put in

I am now unable to spend as much time as I have been spending on the team
due to several personal issues, which many of you know about, so I will not
be able to be to put together meetings, IRC or otherwise, activities or
projects. I will continue to monitor the forums and the IRC channel as I am
currently an op/moderator, if anyone else would like to take those duties
let me know(I need all the free time I can get), but will not have the time
to do much past that.

I think we can still get this team to be an officially approved/recognized
team and then get the resources from Canonical that we would need to really
advocate Ubuntu in this state. I still have almost all of the case badges
that 2 of us donated money to get, I will repeat my offer to send everyone a
few to give out with CD's if they wish I just need your mailing address and
some patients on me getting them to you ;), otherwise there is someone in
the TulsaLUG(not sure if he is in the LoCo or subscribed to the mailing
list) that hits the Saturday Sales every month and promotes Ubuntu, I think
these would be a good contribution to advocate Ubuntu since that is what
this LoCo is about

Otherwise I will still try to make it to group functions when they are
planned and help when I can, I just have to take a step back and shift my
focus elsewhere.

Trey Brown

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