UbuntuOhio DVD program

Laforge129 at cinci.rr.com Laforge129 at cinci.rr.com
Tue Apr 17 02:42:41 BST 2007

I have tried to use gxine, totem and VLC.  I have even done all the
libcc files.  I am still new at this.  I can play Mythbusters Mega movie
myths but I can't play some other ones.  Totem says I need a plugin. 
Gxine crashes, and VLC won't work!  I am hoping someone might tell me
another program to try to get all my DVD that I bought from Walmart to
work! :(  I have even downloaded all those codecs but that doesn't help.
 Thanks in advance.  System Specs:
Intel Duo 
Intel Mobile 945 GML
Realtek HD Sound

I know Intel has no problem with linux and I doubt Realtek has any
problems because it doesn't even  get that far.  So could someone tell
me what I am doing wrong?  Yes I am a NOOB! :)

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