[ubuntu-us-nm] ZFS via Fuse under Ubuntu

Eric Krieger grammatoncleric at ubuntu.com
Mon Dec 1 13:36:47 GMT 2008

Hi Everyone,
	During the last irc meeting their where a couple questions about
running ZFS under Ubuntu via fuse.  I thought I'd point you at the
Ubuntu wiki page for ZFS, which I've just cleaned up and updated the
information for 8.10. 


and I added another section for ZPools...


I plan on adding additional sections for creating virtual file systems
on ZPools and covering block level snapshots.

If you have the means I recommend that you give ZFS a spin on a virtual
server first!! Just install 8.10 server and add a bunch of virtual hard
drive (at least 3) to try all the zfs-fuse zpool functions. 

- Eric 

Eric J. Krieger
email: grammatoncleric at ubuntu.com

Random Quote:

"Man shall never reach his full capacity
while chained to the earth. We must take
wing and conquer the heavens"

Mon Dec 1 06:28:58 MST 2008 
06:28:58 up 18:22, 2 users, load average: 0.37, 0.20, 0.12 
#1 SMP Thu Nov 20 21:57:00 UTC 2008 GNU/Linux 

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