Ubuntu-US-NM Free PC's up for grabs for *Non-Profits*

E Cardiel magonista66 at yahoo.com
Tue Sep 18 15:27:16 BST 2007

Great! I'll forward this to a couple of groups that may need them!!!
Eric Krieger <unmlobo at gmail.com> wrote:
    We are in the process of getting ready to give away 20-30 PCs .  The key is that we will give them to a Non-profit  (part of the Community Reinvestment Act) for free.  So if anyone on the list knows of a Non-Profit that is in need of PC's complete with monitors, keyboards, and mice please let me know. The PC's are Dell GX110's and GX240's...all work and we are in the process of DBANing (wiping the hard drives).

- Eric 

Eric Krieger
Email: unmlobo at gmail.com

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