Ubuntu-US-NM Gutsy Release Party - Good times
David Thomas
dthomas at cableone.net
Sun Oct 21 00:57:20 BST 2007
New Mexico’s Gutsy Release Party a real good time
Our Ubuntu LoCo <https://wiki.ubuntu.com/NewMexicoTeam> has been a labor
of love, just 4 months ago there were just two of us, we now have 15
official members and more than that show up at our weekly IRC meetings
<https://wiki.ubuntu.com/NewMexicoTeam/Meetings>. We’ve even been fairly
successful in keeping an open dialog with our states LUG’S. It was sure
great to see someone from the MVLUG <http://www.mvlug.org/> (Mesilla
Valley Linux Users Group) at the release party as I know that’s about a
4 hour drive from Las Cruces. A special thanks to the MVLUG
<http://www.nmlug.org/> (New Mexico Linux Users Group) for the
encouraging emails I received from it’s members as I tried to organize
the party.
The party was allot of fun and I can’t wait till our next face to face
Heres a picture of just some of the folks at the party
If you want to see more click here
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