[Ubuntu-US-NM] Ubuntu-US-NM OpenSource VMWare ESX

Eric Krieger unmlobo at gmail.com
Sat Nov 24 11:07:30 GMT 2007

Interesting...  "People may find this hard to believe, but the 
performance over NFS is actually better than FC or iSCSI not only in 
terms of throughtput but also in terms of latency" ...and this coming 
from a NetApp Engineer.



DThomas at metrocourt.state.nm.us wrote:
> Keeo me in the loop on your testing, sounds fun.
> *Eric Krieger <unmlobo at gmail.com>*
> Sent by: ubuntu-us-nm-bounces at lists.ubuntu.com
> 11/01/2007 04:33 PM
> Please respond to
> Ubuntu US-New Mexico Team <ubuntu-us-nm at lists.ubuntu.com>
> To
> 	Ubuntu NM <Ubuntu-us-nm at lists.ubuntu.com>
> cc
> Subject
> 	Ubuntu-US-NM OpenSource VMWare ESX
> I've been thinking about trying to recreate an ESX like environment with
> the freeware version of VMWare server and Ubuntu. In theory if you...
> 1 - Install Ubuntu Server on a backend server that has a ton of storage
> which will be the "shared" storage server.
> 2 - Use NFS to share out big chunks of storage from the backend server.
> 3 - Install Ubuntu Server and VMWAre on the "frontend" servers (2 or
> More).
> 4 - Mount the shared NFS storage shares on all frontend servers
> 5 - When creating VM's create them on the NFS shares.
> 6 - Power up a VM on a single frontend server but point all the frontend
> VM servers at all VM's.  This way if a frontend server dies you can
> recover to one of the other frontend servers.
> It should work.  Mind you having GigE network is sort of a must. Even
> better Dual NIC's in the servers with separate GigE Switches or VLANs
> (one for storage the other for data).
> =)
> - Eric
> ----------------------------------------
> Eric J. Krieger
> email: unmlobo at gmail.com
> Random Quote:
> "There's never a cop around when you need
> one!"
>        -A. Capone
> Thu Nov 1 15:39:26 MDT 2007
> 15:39:26 up 7:01, 7 users, load average: 0.18, 0.28, 0.15
> #1 SMP Sun Oct 14 23:05:12 GMT 2007 GNU/Linux
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