ubuntu-us-nj Why our team isn't doing anything, and what you can do to help
Jeffrey Frady
legodude522 at gmail.com
Mon Feb 1 00:18:47 GMT 2010
Maybe someone should make a Frapr map so we all get an idea of where group
members are located.
On Sun, Jan 31, 2010 at 7:06 PM, Matthew Majkotoski <ifd202 at hotmail.com>wrote:
> Members,
> Do people still want to do this?
> *I'm sure people do, organize it and they will come. :)*
> Would someone else want to be the team contact/leader/organizer?
> *I'm sure I could be a team contact/leader/organizer, I have a lot of
> spare time.*
> Would you want to, if you had help?
> *yes*
> If no one will take this off my hands, can someone help me get things going
> again?
> *Sure, but if I helped everything would be down the shore...*
> Matthew Majkotoski
> > Date: Sun, 31 Jan 2010 15:35:46 -0500
> > From: joeterranova at gmail.com
> > To: ubuntu-us-nj at lists.ubuntu.com
> > Subject: ubuntu-us-nj Why our team isn't doing anything, and what you can
> do to help
> >
> > Hello people. Long time, no see.
> >
> > Basically, for almost 2 years now, we haven't done anything. We've
> > gotten together to man a table at the Trenton Computer Festival, and
> > for the rare LAN party, but that's about it.
> >
> > That's my fault. I'm the team contact, and I'm supposed to organize
> > these things. However, I don't have the time or motivation to organize
> > this by myself, and I haven't for a while.
> >
> > We were approved as a LoCo team on November 29, 2007. The new LoCo
> > team policy says that every 2 years, approved teams need to be
> > reviewed. When we're up for review, which is just a matter of when the
> > LoCo Team council gets around to it, I'll have nothing to say for the
> > past year but a table and presentation at TCF.
> >
> > So, some questions:
> > Do people still want to do this?
> > Would someone else want to be the team contact/leader/organizer?
> > Would you want to, if you had help?
> > If no one will take this off my hands, can someone help me get things
> > going again?
> >
> >
> > Thanks,
> > Joe Terranova
> >
> > --
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See you space cowboy...
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