ubuntu-us-nj Request for advice

Car Mo carmoe21 at yahoo.com
Sun May 3 02:13:34 BST 2009

Oh gave fat 32 up years ago due to file size restriction, on this rig got windoz, ubuntu & puppy linux all from the boot menu of grub.

I used puppy linux as live cd & used gparted to do the nasty work, I hope you are aware you must defrag windows first before you do any resizing to make any partition & make sure you reboot windoz after defrag to get a proper shut down that could give you a bad experience .That is what I do every time when I convert my friends computer & upgrade them to ubuntu & puppy linux.
Oh how sweet it is. Linux is ther real deal.......

--- On Sat, 5/2/09, dtgusa at gmail.com <dtgusa at gmail.com> wrote:

From: dtgusa at gmail.com <dtgusa at gmail.com>
Subject: ubuntu-us-nj Request for advice
To: ubuntu-us-nj at lists.ubuntu.com
Date: Saturday, May 2, 2009, 6:02 PM


Greetings and good day to you all: 


I’m seriously considering switching from XP SP3 to Ubuntu 9.04;
dual boot option initially.  I have a single 82 gig hard drive using NTFS. 
If I go with an external USB hard drive instead of adding an internal hard
drive will it work to install Ubuntu on to?   Scared to repartition
the existing hard drive due to a bad experience years ago and use of NTFS
verses FAT 32.  


Thank you in advance for any assistance, 



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