ubuntu-us-nj 100 Bugs Left

David A. Harding dave at dtrt.org
Sun Nov 30 19:03:17 GMT 2008

Bugs done: 0
Bugs left: 100
Bugs enclosed: 5
Days left: 31

There are some real easy bugs here, including a couple that don't
require any coding experience at all.

#### Invalid URI in gnome-sound-recorder Manual
* <https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/yelp/+bug/303707>
* Skills: basic troubleshooting, editing XML files
* Requirements: Ubuntu Hardy Heron
* Time estimate: 15 minutes to two hours
* Hints: probably just a typo. Confirm the bug, download the source, and
  try to find the typo. If it's a small typo, you don't need to submit a
  patch: just tell the package maintainer which file contains the error
  and describe the changes they need to make.

#### gedit Uses EMACS-style Search Key Combo
* <https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gedit/+bug/303710>
* Skills: internet searching, documentation reading, basic troubleshooting
* Requirements: Ubuntu Intrepid Ibex
* Time estimate: five to 45 minutes
* Hints: C-s initiates a search in EMACS; there's a chance the user
  activated a emacs-compatibility mode in gedit without realizing that
  it would change the save key combo

#### Rhythmbox Should Never Open in Full-screen Mode
* <https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/rhythmbox/+bug/303719>
* Skills: internet research, bug report writing
* Requirements: Ubuntu Intrepid Ibix
* Time estimate: up to two hours
* Hints: Submit a wishlist bug in Rhythmbox's upstream bug tracker
  requesting that rhytmbox never open in full-screen (F11) mode.
  (Check for an existing bug first.) Cross-link with this bug report,
  add a copy of your email to this bug report, and update this
  report's status.

#### Fix CUPS Upgrade Script
* <https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/cups/+bug/303730>
* Skills: debian/ directory hacking, installing and removing packages manually, diffing
* Requirements: Ubuntu Intrepid Ibix, access to Ubuntu Hardy Heron repositories
* Time estimate: 15 minutes to 90 minutes, or one to five hours
* Hints: An easy problem for anyone with experience hacking the debian
  build files or a great problem to learn about those files.  Go back
  and forth between the two versions until you know exactly what's
  broken, fix it, and submit a patch.

#### Icon Needed for Log Out Icon
* <https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gnome-applets/+bug/303618>
* Skills: graphics design, internet research
* Requirements: ?
* Time estimate: five minutes to however long it takes to make nice icons
* Hints: Find an icon if it already exists, otherwise check for a GNOME
  icon policy guide and make an icon.  Remember to note that you're
  licensing your icon under the standard GNOME licenses.

FYI: I'm keeping my personal list of bugs for me and bugs I plan on
posting to this list at the following URL:


Next update tomorrow,

David A. Harding	    Website:  http://dtrt.org/
1 (609) 997-0765	      Email:  dave at dtrt.org
			Jabber/XMPP:  dharding at jabber.org

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