ubuntu-us-nj Columbus Farmers Market Status: Weather Good; Event is a Go

David A. Harding harda at gnuisance.net
Sat Sep 22 00:48:32 BST 2007

On Mon, Sep 17, 2007 at 01:10:49PM -0400, I wrote:
> By 20:00 (8pm) Friday, I'll post a weather report with my decision on
> whether we should go.

It'll be a bit foggy in the morning, clearing up around 09-10:00;
tempatures will be in the high-eighties.  The chance of rain is
effectively zero.  So: the event is on. Details are below:

   When: This Saturday, 22 September 2007
         From 08:00 to 14:00ish (2pm)
  Where: The Columbus Farmers Market; 2919 Rt. 206, Columbus, NJ 08022
    Map: http://tinyurl.com/37np3y (Google Maps)
Weather: http://tinyurl.com/2uu24q (Weather Underground)
Contact: 609 230-9788 (Dave Harding's Cell; voicemail doesn't work)

What to bring:  Chairs! If you don't bring a chair for yourself, don't
                expect to sit the *entire* day. Bring or wear anything
                you need to be in the sun all day.  Bring food and drink
		or money to buy food and drink.

See you then,

|       David A. Harding       |      The book was better than the movie.     |
|     http://gnuisance.net     |           -- Carl Sagan, ``Contact''         |

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