ubuntu-us-nj Event: September 22nd, Columbus Farmer's Market

David A. Harding harda at gnuisance.net
Mon Sep 17 18:10:49 BST 2007

Hi Folks,

I re-called the Farmers Market today and confirmed that the facts I
acquired earlier, for a potential event on Software Freedom Day, are
still valid for this Saturday. At the end of this email, you will find
a summary of all the details. Right now I'll just tell you what you
need to know:

   When: This Saturday, 22 September 2007
         From 08:00 to 14:00ish (2pm)
  Where: The Columbus Farmers Market; 2919 Rt. 206, Columbus, NJ 08022
    Map: http://tinyurl.com/37np3y (Google Maps)
Weather: http://tinyurl.com/2uu24q (Weather Underground)
Contact: 609 230-9788 (Dave Harding's Cell; voicemail doesn't work)

What to bring:  Chairs! If you don't bring a chair for yourself, don't
                expect to sit the *entire* day. Bring or wear anything
                you need to be in the sun all day.  Bring food and drink
		or money to buy food and drink.

                If anyone has a folding table they can bring, that would
                be a nice backup (see details at end of email for reason).

By 20:00 (8pm) Friday, I'll post a weather report with my decision on
whether we should go. I won't cancel for light rain at the beginning or
end of the day, but likely downpours or any continuous rain will be
justification for cancellation. Currently the weather report says
Saturday should be quite pleasant. <knock on wood>

If I forgot anything important, please inquire about it by responding to
this email.

Spaces at the market are available on a first-come, first-served basis.
Tables are separately available on a first-come, first-served basis.
Spaces are $15, which I'll pay as my donation to the cause, and tables
are free as long as we only use one or two of them. The person I spoke
with in the business office said that Saturday is their slow day, and so
she didn't expect there to be any problems acquiring a table (as long as
I show up on time), but I'm going to bring my parent's folding table as
a backup; its a small table, and so I'd appreciate it if someone else
could also bring a second backup table.

The lady I spoke with suggested I be there and in line at 07:00. Just to
be safe, I'll show up 10 minutes earlier.  They'll let me in around
07:30; the market opens to customers at 08:00, which is when I suggest
most people plan to show up.

See you Saturday,

|   David A. Harding   | He fell for her like his heart was a mob informant,  |
| http://gnuisance.net |              and she was the East River.             |
|                      |             [ http://tinyurl.com/onuwc ]             |

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