ubuntu-us-nj No meeting tonight (unless someone really, really wants one), meeting Tuesday, September 18th, 9PM - 10PM

Joe Terranova joeterranova at gmail.com
Tue Sep 11 17:25:52 BST 2007

I don't think we'll be having a meeting tonight, 1) because this is
short notice, 2) meetings where we don't have much to talk about
haven't generally gone well, and I'd like to keep the trend of good

Things to talk about on list:

PC Vendors: Bryan and I went to 3 PC shops in Cherry Hill; all 3 said
no. I'll be looking up more, and I'll be going on another excursion on
Friday. I encourage all of you to also go to your local PC shops and
tell them about ubuntu.

Recruiting: I plan on going to Eustace on Friday to try to talk to
their computer club. If you know of any way to recruit new members for
the LoCo, please do so and tell us about it.

Software Freedom Day at PACS: once again, I expect to see lots of your
smiling faces on Saturday. Details here:

NEXT EVENT: Saturday, September 22nd, Columbus Farmer's Market. We'll
talk about this more next week.

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