ubuntu-us-nj Summary from last meeting
Joe Terranova
joeterranova at gmail.com
Fri Sep 7 22:50:17 BST 2007
A summary for last meeting, and things we need to talk about.
Software Freedom Day is September 15th, and we'll be at PACS with the
PA team for it. If you can come, do, if you can't, it's OK. We'll be
there answering questions and helping out.
Our September Event is September 22nd at a farmer's market, either
Haddonfield or Columbus. We should plan on electric for neither, so
laptops and a car battery. We're preferring Haddonfield, but they
/also/ don't answer their phones, so let's see if they respond to
Gutsy release party in October, date needs to be determined.
Stuff to talk about:
Gutsy release party. Where do we want it to be? What type of party do
we want it to be?
Future Events? Know of any non-profits we can work with?
Do we want to try working with Local PC Shops? Someone asked if
anyone's ever tried approaching a PC shop about Ubuntu. Your homework,
if you choose to accept it, is to do just that.
What's in it for me. What's a good pitch for Ubuntu? What's a good
pitch for LoCo teams? What's a good pitch for selling Ubuntu machines
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