ubuntu-us-nj Ubucon install-fest

Mac Sobolewski macsobolewski at gmail.com
Wed May 23 13:38:41 BST 2007


  I've joined the NJ team fairly recently and  would really enjoy meeting
other linux users in the nj area. As a fairly new Ubuntu user with a
extensive Red Hat background (RHCE) I would like to get a "end-user"
perspective on where people think linux is heading.  I am a network security
analyst for a large utility company and use a lot of open source
applications ( snort, nagios, nessus, nmap, etc) in my day to day work as
well as a list of commercial applications.  My background includes four
MCSE's ( I know, I know, but it pays the bills ) as well as RHCE in Red Hat
3 and Red Hat 4 and numerous SANS courses and certificates under my belt.

I am located in South Jersey ( Cherry Hill / Deptford ) area and would be
interested in events in this area.



On 5/23/07, ubuntu-us-nj-request at lists.ubuntu.com <
ubuntu-us-nj-request at lists.ubuntu.com> wrote:
> Send Ubuntu-us-nj mailing list submissions to
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> Today's Topics:
>    1.  Ubucon? Install-fest (Joe Terranova)
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
> Message: 1
> Date: Tue, 22 May 2007 11:47:38 -0400
> From: "Joe Terranova" <joeterranova at gmail.com>
> Subject: ubuntu-us-nj Ubucon? Install-fest
> To: "Mailing list for the Ubuntu New Jersey LoCo Team"
>         <ubuntu-us-nj at lists.ubuntu.com>, lugip at lugip.org,
>         chlug at mail.jesran.net
> Message-ID:
>         <dde7d16d0705220847u14a54b66pe539cbc1390b8967 at mail.gmail.com>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1; format=flowed
> Hi people,
> I'm posting this to the New Jersey LoCo list, and cross-posting to the
> Lug-IP list and the CHLUG list, for those interested. Sorry to those
> of you who get 2 or 3 copies.
> Firstly, I want to draw attention to the PA LoCo Team. They're doing a
> great job -- their PACS event went great, they had an install-fest in
> Central PA on the same day, and they're having an install-fest in
> Philly on June 2nd.
> On that note, they're making us look bad! :D We need to get stuff
> done. Two things I want to look at:
> An installfest:
> https://wiki.ubuntu.com/NewJerseyTeam/Events/InstallfestJune
> An installfest will help get us working together, and should be quick
> to organize. We should try for an installfest in June sometime,
> perhaps late June or very early July.
> Ubucon!
> https://wiki.ubuntu.com/NewJerseyTeam/Events/UbuconNewJersey
> New Jersey needs a Linux event, and I'd like Ubucon to be it. I want
> it to be a way to meet other Ubuntu and Linux users, and a way to
> welcome new and prospective users. An all day affair, with an
> installfest, and talks and presentations about Linux and Ubuntu.
> If you're interested in helping with either of these events, or have
> other ideas you're interested in, let's talk! Both of those wiki pages
> I linked to are mostly blank, and begging for you guys to contribute
> plans and ideas; I'm currently scouting for locations. If you have
> suggestions or opportunities for locations, let me know.
> Cheers,
> Joe Terranova
> https://launchpad.net/~joeterranova
> https://wiki.ubuntu.com/NewJerseyTeam
> ------------------------------
> --
> Ubuntu-us-nj mailing list
> Ubuntu-us-nj at lists.ubuntu.com
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> End of Ubuntu-us-nj Digest, Vol 7, Issue 4
> ******************************************
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