[NH LoCo] Ubuntu CDs for SFD

Kyle Batley kylebat at razafilms.com
Tue Sep 16 20:28:44 BST 2008

You guys probably saw the email (actually I just noticed I haven't  
been using "reply to list") I just sent out, that was before I read  
this one.
So yah .. I already have a photo printer I use to print dvd's .  I  
showed Nikki and Matt it one time.

I only have materials to do dvd's and covers well I was planning on using
8.04 images from here http://nginyang.uvt.nl/hardy/
and the cover and cd insert from here.

the mix cd and well custom artwork if people have the time to do it  
sounds a lot cooler.
maybe I will just do my plan for a small quantity (I will count how  
many dvd pieces I have I don't have many)

and well I will hold off until I hear more on the subject.


Quoting Arc Riley <arcriley at gmail.com>:

> So we're talking about having to burn our own CDs for SFD.
> Matt H and I talked about making a NH LoCo "Remix" CD.  If we're going to do
> this, we need to move on it now.
> Nikki is activating our team's PPA (personal package archive).  Matt has
> volunteered to do CD artwork and he can get a printer that supports direct
> CD printing.  We need to put together a theme to match and package it,
> uploading the package to the PPA, and then use the CD packaging tool to make
> the ISO.
> The latter part is easy.  We need volunteers for putting together a cool
> Hardy theme, that's the hard part.  Broderick?  Kyle?

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