[NH LoCo] Ubuntu CDs for SFD

Arc Riley arcriley at gmail.com
Tue Sep 16 01:26:45 BST 2008

So we're talking about having to burn our own CDs for SFD.

Matt H and I talked about making a NH LoCo "Remix" CD.  If we're going to do
this, we need to move on it now.

Nikki is activating our team's PPA (personal package archive).  Matt has
volunteered to do CD artwork and he can get a printer that supports direct
CD printing.  We need to put together a theme to match and package it,
uploading the package to the PPA, and then use the CD packaging tool to make
the ISO.

The latter part is easy.  We need volunteers for putting together a cool
Hardy theme, that's the hard part.  Broderick?  Kyle?
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