[NH LoCo] Wiki cleanup

Elizabeth Bevilacqua lyz at ubuntu.com
Sat Jul 26 13:32:38 BST 2008

On Sat, Jul 26, 2008 at 12:59 AM, Arc Riley <arcriley at gmail.com> wrote:
> I'm not sure if we really need three membership lists between
> launchpad, the mailing list, and the wiki, we should discuss what should be
> done about that (if anything).

FWIW, the LoCo council looks at forum activity, mailing list activity
and membership numbers, and importantly - launchpad member numbers to
determine how big and active a LoCo is before approving it.

The Pennsylvania team has the following blurb about "how to join the team":


So we just link to our launchpad page for a list of members.

The administrators of certain parts of our LoCo (web, community
outreach, events, canonical contact) are listed on the wiki, but
that's so people know who to contact to get involved and help with
different things.

Just some ideas :)



Elizabeth Bevilacqua

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