[NH LoCo] Wiki cleanup

Arc Riley arcriley at gmail.com
Sat Jul 26 05:59:39 BST 2008

I just spent a few hours cleaning up our wiki situation.  We previously had
two pages, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/NewHampshireTeam and
https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-us-nh, with the prior being outdated and the
latter including all it's subpages under the prior.  I consolidated them
both into NewHampshireTeam and added a #REDIRECT on ubuntu-us-nh so any
remaining links will still work.

The mailing list links have been added and I added a new section for
neighboring locos to link to maine, mass, ny, and the ne (there's no vermont
loco yet).  I'm not sure if we really need three membership lists between
launchpad, the mailing list, and the wiki, we should discuss what should be
done about that (if anything).

A lot more work could be done - it's a wiki so team members should feel
welcome to take the initiative to improve it!  Check other LoCo wiki pages
for ideas - add "?action=raw" to their URLs to see how they got certain
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